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ktopia Social Services & Products

for enriching the educational landscape of the commons

Idea Scouting

Rapid Prototyping

Facilitating a multi-stakeholder quest coop in a living lab

Deploying custom self-hosted Open-Source Social Collaboration Tec

Myth Weaving an engaging story narrative

Designing the Narrative into an edutaining product and freely share

Product Releases

SWA – the Smart Waste Agency Tabletop- and cardgame

alpha release Dec 2024

A coop created, edutaining, open-source tabletop and card game. It immerses players in the world of waste types (waste monsters), recycling techniques (smart multi-tools), and a circular economy – fostering creativity, cooperation, and climate awareness as Agents of Change.

The Game has been co-produced by 63 children and teenager age 7-15, 3 city administration departments including the city owned waste cleaning corp and 3 non-profit youth organizations in 6 agile development month. 

Welcome Websurfer! My name is Grove Druid and I serve as one of the Elders in ktopia. Let me tell you a short story..
You have probably seen them, too. Waste Monsters. They come in many types. Hungry ghosts consuming ever more mass…






Frustrated with the situation, young citizens decided to found a new agency, supporting the local waste cleaners in their effort to recycle the masses of ever growing waste. And the Smart Waste Agency, pronounced “Sway”, was born…

Equipped with Smart Hands-on Multi-Tools the SWA found innovative ways to recycle the waste monster masses efficiently.

Yet, as much as it greatly helped to recycle and become way smarter with waste, the waste kept coming back in endless streams. 

The Wastefulness of people and industries did not disappear.

Was it enough to just become smarter? 

Or is it time, to become wiser, too?

A group of SWA Agents decided to go on just another quest, to learn more about how to re-join the Great Circular – a system, that has been nurturing life for millions of years..

And what better ways we could explore, than within the landscapes our food systems.

Food connects us all – beyond borders, cultures and species in our one shared living home: Planet Earth.

Finding ways to heal our relationship with food systems, we can all participate in – as we do so anyway, every day.

With the potential of doing it more consciously, more mindful with the wasteful, we embark on yet another expedition quest…

the end
and beginning of a story


alpha released Dec 2024
box version release + educational bonus material: Late Summer 2025

The story of the Smart Waste Agency can be played as a tabletop- and cardgame. 

It’s a coopetive strategy and action game bundled with educational bonus material to deepen the understanding of waste types, recycling methods and how we can contribute to smarter ways of handling the waste.  


pre-development started

The story of wanting to become more conscious and wise, learning from “The Great Circular” and actively heal our relationship with food systems through concrete everyday action quests.

This story will be told in an upcoming coop gamedesign and story creation expedition. 

The live sketching platform can be surfed here

SWA, die Smart Waste Agency by Smart Waste Agency Coop, Kassel, Germany, EU is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International is a fresh, independent branch for the EU expansion of the German version and began on January 13th 2025

FSYS – the Food System Game is in concept scouting & sketching and up for development in Q3 2025