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From epic fail to great success and the Europe 25 chapter

From epic fail to great success and the Europe 25 chapter

posted January 19th 2025 by André Boeing

Looking back into 2024, the back then January has been almost prophetic. „Wasteland – beginning at the end“ is the title of my January 11th 2024 post.

Before I simplified the complexity of food systems down to 4 quadrants. The last quadrant being the one, where all the waste of our food systems goes. In an ideal world this „waste quadrant“ at the end is naturally the beginning of the first quadrant of food systems: Where our food grows. It’s a perfect „Circular“ when the waste of food  becomes the base for new food.

But in our current world, the waste quadrant is the one, where the Circular usually ends and creates a big mass with a destructive impact on our life systems.

In 2025 – a whole year later – I am still „Beginning at the end“ and found my calling in the „Wastelands“ – although not the most pretty one in food systems and I am looking forward to dedicate my passion to the other quadrants, once my work in the Wastelands is being done.

In my last English post here from May 1st 2024 I reported our German Smart City Kassel Youth Participation project getting ready to launch in it’s first iteration – and then stopped posting here because all my time has been focused on our German Projekt and local work in the documenta City Kassel documented here.

We had an epic fail on May 29th in our first field test, celebrated the valuable insights, modified our approach, re-launched our Smart Waste Agency Game Project during the summer holidays, now witnessed super positive resonance among the young participants and finally released a first printed Alpha version of the Tabletop- and card game in December – for the exploration of the Wastelands, Recycling and the Circular.

It’s not just about, what we produced but how we produced it. In a cooperative of 3 city administration departments, 3 non-profits and 63 young people, age 7-15 and with an Open-Source approach and agile sprints.

2025 „Out of town into EUrope“

In 2025, I want to take our game out of town and into the European Union. We plan to connect young people from diverse EU countries and cities on our gamified social network, teach the design of waste monster cards, smart waste multi-tools, and tabletop wastelands via local youth organizations, localize the game into different languages and country contexts, and start the exchange about smart waste, zero waste, and recycling in our cities.

  • Develop and launch the SWA gamified open-source collaboration social network.
  • Find local partners from each of 5 cities in 5 diverse EU countries.
  • Host a SWAG game design event in each of the 5 cities and connect its young participants via the collaboration network. Begin the exchange about smarter waste, our region-specific recycling, and the possibility space of an EU circular economy.
  • Bring all participants together in a simultaneously live event stream from all 5 EU cities.
  • Visit each other during summer holidays.

Connected by our own gamified open-source collaboration network, we could tackle our „waste monsters“ together, exchange smart ideas about ways to do so and continue to develop THE SWAG. On our path we will connect with agents and young „game designer“ in other countries with the same challenge and learn about our regional specifics.

The fresh EU expansion Page launched here:

Branching from the German site here:

and being financed with radical Transparency here:


Smart Waste Agency

May, 1st 2024

Smart Waste Agency

A live-action roleplaying game to become involved in the great quest of making the waste system of our city-region smarter.

Using a superhero/agent narrative, a gamified open-source online platform, local events and a board-and-card game design challenge, we empower and involve young people into our Smart City / Smart Waste design.

Visit Project site

Project idea: March 15th 2024

3 City-Administration units and 2 non-profit .orgs on board: April 2024

Early Access Launch: May 1st 2024

What a ride 😀

To enthuse us Oldies and project-partners has been the easy part although impressive in it´s agile fastness from idea to launch. Now comes the big challenge:

Will young people be inspired to join the SWA with a theme centered around Waste ?
Figuring that out is our next challenge as coop partners.


The region around the city

The region around the city

exploring the city<>region connection

André Boeing – March, 14th 2024

In the region surrounding our city, nestled in a tiny forest village of around 700 inhabitants and surrounded by hundreds of thousands of trees, I found my focus for the past few weeks. The area is filled with trees, large forests, streams, and open fields for cultivating a variety of foods, including an open village garden where anyone can grow and take food for free. Despite the absence of shops and delivery services, we have high-speed internet and an hourly public transport connection available on demand.

I was able to work on my government project, which, at this stage, involved extensive research and prototype sketching and could be done remotely. I deeply enjoyed the village’s silence, marked by a single ‚main street‘ that ends at a vast forest. The otherworldly sounds of creeks, enriched by the rainy season, were mesmerizing. I appreciated the slow pace of life and the conscious preparation of meals with ingredients grown locally and purchased from the nearest small town’s organic market—a hub for local farmers. From baking bread to making the most out of minimal ingredients and experimenting with healthy, tasty spices, each activity was a delight. Taking walks through the woods and bathing in the forest added to the richness of the experience, as did breathing the clean, fresh air.

I spent the first two months of my Ktopia experience in the city, and the third month in this region. Since December, Ktopia’s vision has been focused on the city-region connection—not only in terms of food systems but also the subtle environments that deeply nurture us and support our salutogenesis.

  • 51.3633594,9.7411818

    Forest Village

  • 51.3088093,9.465053393327773

    Urban Grove


Food System Waste quadrant Gameboard and cards

Gameboard Waste Quadrant for the food-system board- and cardgame

Waste: the fourth quadrant in the base game board  – after the quadrants „cultivation“, „processing“,
„cooking & eating“

A quadrant so rich, it deserves an own Gameboard to explore the adventure of smart waste in a circular economy ecology. You can even place an augmented reality Earth into your room following the QR code.

It´s now part of the Download in the Developer Version of the Game.

It´s inspiration: the 6R model of smart waste with a japanese wisdom meme.

2 example waste cards from the main game.

back to Journal


Open Source Produce – menus and recipes

Open Source
served for free

dishes & recipes

André „Cyberhippie“ Boeing
organic bites and digital bytes cuisine

In the context of food systems, „produce“ refers to fresh, unprocessed fruits and vegetables, as well as other plant- and fungi based foods.

But here comes the narrative trickster. In conventional terms this page would be about open source products of a more digital nature. It is.

The Produce instead of Products Narrative puts a focus on the organic growth and free availability of helpful ingredients in a shared web. Real food and real software to help with the regenerative circular of food systems.

On this page I serve cooked and ready to eat solution menus and the open source recipes to cook them yourself.

the growing menu

Open Source Software Dishes I cook along the way from available ingredients


cooked after the opening in the January 2024 season

  • WordPress dipped in a lightweight modular front-end framework


    Well designed Online Journal to share findings, helpful resources and thoughts during the ktopia food systems expedition

  • Board-Game under a Wild Card salad in vivid salsa


    The open source board- and card game for 1-4 players to learn about complex food system aspects in a fun way.

  • 0 €alory buffet from fresh catch


    the 0€ shop narrative featuring free resources related to food systems – and even free, real food.

  • Nextcloud in seasonal apps hosted on an own server


    Open Source Cloud hosted on our own server – a free, open-source alternative to Office 365, Google Workspaces and Meta for Teams… Helps with locked-in clouds for easier digestion.

  • Gamified Social Network webbed in a Tutor LMS


    a social network platform with gamification elements combined with a Learning Management Systems empowering all network members to learn & teach food system realated knowledge food.

    This one is cooking in the kitchen and you can smell it already….It´s  not ready for presentation yet and just needs that final touch….

All of these menus have been created during the first 21 days since launch of ktopia. Rapid development in agile sprints and seeding is key(topia) – empowered by open source solutions and great AI assistance by the Oki Chatty Gippity (brewed by OpenAI). Helps to have a Generative Pre-Trained Transformer assistant in the kitchen 😉 I still do most of the work and the art direction completely! AI models are still very young but impressively helpful for cooking up stuff very fast.

Recipes from the stupid chéf

Q: Why do you share your secrets ? .org pay tons of money for that combo, are you stupid ? Sell it – get rich!
A: To enhance our social capital and cultural soil with nutritious ingredients, knowledge food security has to be freely available as well. The better the soil, the better the ingredients I can then cook other menus with. I call that smart – yet not free of being foolish, of cause, off course. And I don´t want to get poor with so much money.

  • WordPress extended

    WordPress dipped in a lightweight modular front-end framework

    1. a standard WordPress stack on a LAMP
    2. to get the bast LAMP suitable for non-profit groups, I choosed the Mittwald  space server with multi-app and user instances. They just bought 28.000 sqm of land and planted new forests with a tree diversity there. Mit Wald. A passionate Host treating it´s servers so well, you can taste it. 
    3. UIkit as a lightweight and modular front-end framework
    4. yoothemes pagebuilder to design pages with uikit components in a lego style. Fantastic for rapid development and allows for heavy customization. This one has to be bought for a fair price.
    5. a bunch of plugins I add later to serve features as their needs appear – see other recipes
  • Board & Card Game

    Board-Game under a Wild Card salad in vivid salsa

    1. Brainwork in the rule book
    2. Card maker. A self created card template to create new cards with all the layers to edit. Download Krita PSD here
    3. A free and open-source Image editing software as an alternative to photoshop. Download Krita here
    4. I used Chat GPT4 > DallE to create the backgrounds with specific style prompts containing the flavors „vivid, surreal“. Free available via Bing Browser etc.
    5. A reduced 4 quadrant board that came out of reducing complex theory ingredients into just 4 quadrants.
  • 0€ Shop

    0 €alory buffet from fresh catch

    A 0€ shop makes price politics super easy. As well as tax. Or so I thought..

    1. Extended WordPress with Woocommerce the open-source ecommerce platform
    2. Since I could not get all the sensitive, private data address, street, full name, phone,etc out of the checkout procedure due to EU law regulations- even just having 0€ products as downloads asked for maximum private data. No plugin worked. Woocommerce own for „just“ 90€ – no thanks
    3. Switched to „Affiliate Products“ with External Links. The shop system just serves as directory -a way to shop for 0€ stuff and then get there. Like free food at 14 places in Kassel.
    4. I connected the Downloads (audiobooks, board+card game print set, books, brochures, etc.) to the next menu and work flow – grateful for the woocommerce checkout pain in the a** to kick me into the better direction. Connecting your files with the open source cloud and laptop sync.
  • Nextcloud Stack

    Nextcloud in seasonal apps hosted on an own server

    1. the Open Source Cloud solution Nextcloud as an on-premise self hosted package on the Mittwald Space Server. Nexcloud is a free alternative to Office365, Google Workspace, Meta Workspace.
      You can get it as a hosted solution, too. Saves lots of nerves in the beginning. Setting it up took longer then I hoped for
    2. The integration of the two Online Office Solutions Collabora Office and Only Office were to complicated. I did not want to buy an external solution just for that, the code server did not work plug and play. Finally I  simply went for the fantastic rich text editor with distraction free options, online realtime writing even with guests,  included in new files, notes, etc.
    3. The Desktop Clients now syncs my work files and my public folder syncs right to the website for the latest files of the Board and card game. See it in action after clicking the button here.
  • Peepso with Tutor LMS

    Gamified Social Network webbed in a Tutor LMS

    1. Extend WordPress with the free social network component Peepso *for just basic functions
    2. I had the luck to have a tasty full package licence
    3. Included is the integrator for the Learning Management System Tutor LMS / allowing members of the network to participate in courses or create courses. The free version offers everything for the purpose of this menu.
  • If you like the recipes and have cooked them yourself.

    I´d love to hear from you.

Back to the Journal


The first 15-day sprint and three magic tools for the eXPedition

The first 15-day sprint and three magic tools for the eXPedition

January 25th 2024 – André Boeing

A magic journal to document the expedition in an artistic way and even spoken word. A Game Map to not get lost in the wide fields of the city region food systems. Magic Quest cards to keep the Focus & Fun. And a 0€ Shop, where everything is gifted for free. Those were the Three Gifts of the first agile 15day sprint into an urban expedition.

To be honest. I am super happy and super exhausted at once. Agile sprints have this beautiful rush of fast, unrestricted creativity. The liberty of Playfulness and even foolishness. And…the very long days and night hours and not caring enough for the body.

All the digital tools are now there to document the Journey in realtime while it happens and share helpful stuff. Nothing worse then caught up documentation after months in a project. + the public transparency factor is granted.

Anyway. Development Sprint I. is done and I am so ready to go into the exciting Contact Phase next week….meeting people, groups, organizations, the many actors in our city region food system. But before that…I order my  self a full 3 day weekend of to re-generate.

See you next week with new adventures….

André „Cyberhippie“ Boeing,
Druid of the Urban Grove Ivy Oak in Kassel


Creative Card Crafting

Creative Card Crafting

Crafting additional Cards for the food system board+card game is a fun process. It serves themed card Booster-Packs and Sets for specific purposes.

  • KRITA Open-Source and Free

    Krita is a professional FREE and open source painting program. It is made by artists that want to see affordable art tools for everyone.

    Download KRITA

  • After opening the editable PSD File of the Card Maker Workbench you find just 4 folders containing everything you need to craft your own card.

    Card Maker available here

    Download Card Maker


Game Rules of the food system board game

Food System
the board & card game

  • free and open-source game for 1-4 players

  • Players explore four distinct and interconnected quadrants of „Food Systems“ through Research & Action Quest cards.

  • Players train practical skills in research, creativity, solution design, and presentation, while learning about interconnected food systems both in their region and around the world.

  • Game time is typically 40 minutes for normal matches (30 minutes for 2 players). A normal match consists of two rapid rounds.

  • Matches can be extended with additional rounds, and daily quest cards can be unlocked while progressing through the four quadrants of the food system over a period of time.

  • The game can be expanded with Booster Packs and Sets to cater to specific needs in settings such as preschools, high schools, universities, homes, open educational spaces, with friends, or focusing on specific themes.

  • An Augmented Reality (AR) Bot can be activated on the players‘ smartphones without needing to install an app, simply by scanning the game board. This animated and entertaining bot helps players learn how to play the game.

rulebook v0.3 january 19th, 02024

We will provide the free download version of the game to print out at home or educational places soon. It contains all the PSD files and rulebooks to craft your version of the game.

Current status of Game Development

idea conceived and development started:
January 9th, 2024

updated: January 25th, 2024

Alpha Kit now available in our 0€ store to try it out.
Contains Game Board, Cards, Focus Visor, Scoresheet
and Card-Maker.

Download Alpha Kit

Game Elements

The Game Board

4 Food System Quadrants:
One, where it all grows. One, where it is being processed. One, where it is being cooked and eaten. And one, where all the waste goes.

  • Q1: Cultivating

    Agriculture, Aquaculture, Horticulture, Permaculture… Big Farming, Home Gardening, Community Gardening. Indoor Growing..

    You get the idea: Q1 is the Quadrant, where all the raw food ingredients grow. In soil & water, with seeds growing, supported by air, light and time..

    Cultivation is everything that supports the growth of specific organisms in a shared, bio-diverse habitat.

  • Q2: Processing

    This is the quadrant, where all the raw food ingredients go to be „processed“: changed or mixed with other ingredients into new food products and then packaged for transport.

    The Wheat from the farmer that´s processed into flour for bred with a help of a mill is a simple example.

    20 tons of tomatoes that go into processing, where they become de-hydrated into a pulverized form and mixed with additives like flavor enhancers, chemical components to keep the mixture dry, bind fats or enhance the kick with sugars is a more complex example of processing.

  • Q3: Cook & Eat

    Well yeah. This one is easy. This is where we cook and eat 😀 . It is also the quadrant of Nutrition and Health.

    At home, in Gastronomy, via delivery food, in cantines @ schools, universities and work places; in clinics and welfare spaces. At birth and funerals. Cooking & Eating +  the culture around it is a global phenomena and connects us all in a bio diverse food web. It has been there since we had to eat and will be long with us since we have to eat.

  • Q4: Waste

    This quadrant is also being called „The Wastelands“.  An ugly place we might think, the least pretty of the 4.

    And yet it is also full of components for re-cycling into new products depending on the waste types and practices.

R&A Quest cards

Research & Action cards take you on quests: tiny tasks and missions in different areas.

The top left corner indicates one of the 4 quadrants = quest type. Cultivation, Processing, Cook & Eat, Waste.

The top right corner indicates it´s basic time demand.
5=5 minutes. In round 2 the 5 minute card can be upgraded with the +10 to a 15 minute quest.

If you like the quest topic of your card and 5 minute quest, you can upgrade and extend your research with an additional 15 minutes in the next round.

strategic tips:

Especially well performed quest presentations and research efforts have more chances to receive additional points from other players.

With an upgrade you gain 5 additional minutes to really dig deep and shine with your quest presentation.  (5 minutes 1st round + 15 minutes 2nd round = 2o minutes total for one quest) compared to one 5 minute quest card in round 1 and another 5+10 quest in the second round.

Some more example cards from each quadrant.
Click to see full size.

Daily Quests

Can be played once per day until the Games ends. Unlocked, if your group decides to continue the Game with additional matches over the course of days and weeks.

Focus Joker Card

Can be played once per normal Game during the second round instead of a regular card. You receive a visor focus + sheet to center on one food product and have to explore it along all 4 quadrants.

  1. Search for a food product in your surrounding and place it in the center. For real or in your mind if it is to big. For example: tomato ketchup
  2. On the top right (cultivation) list all the raw ingredients that seem to have an agricultural background. Tomatoes, etc. and continue clockwise
  3. On the bottom right (processing) list all the additives and chemical components added during the processing of the raw ingredients from the first quadrant. (Sugar, mononatrium glutamat, E405,  glyceride, flavor enhancers, acids)
  4. Bottom left (Cook & Eat) imagine a couple food menus the product can be used in and data or guesses about the nutritional value of the food product and menu. How could the Tomato ketchup in our example have been created in a different way ?
  5. On the top left (Waste) list the waste components, waste types and recycability that came with the food product. (Plastic or glas bottle, aluminum tube, etc.

Advantage: If you play a joker this round you can give yourself a +1 during scoring phase after your presentation

Epic upgrade

This one comes in future version of the game. You probably saw 10 steps on the inner cross lines of the Joker Circle, reminding of binocular and being called the „Focus Visor“.

We currently develop a math model to plot a food product within the quadrants with more precise indicators. The x and y axis in the „Cultivation“ quadrant for example define the transportation length from the place where it grows and has been harvested to processing or cooking. From where did it come from ? How far did it have to travel ? The y axis indicates the effort and energy we had to put into the growth of the product.
Both axis from 1 to 10 allow for subjective guess work and could be used for real data experiments. Where 1 in this example stands for „grown in my garden“ on the x axis (distance traveled) and  „low input need. Soil, Water, Light, time“. Or 10: Comes from very far way + Needs a lot of resources: Water, Chemical Fertilizer, etc.

Jee, this is getting to long. You´ll get the idea. All quadrants have different x and y axis labels. Waste for example one axis with „recycability grade“…this is where its gets complex and has been moved forward in the development roadmap for later versions of the game.

Game Card Expansions

Card packs & sets extend the Base Game with additional cards and can have a special theme & focus.
They are crafted by players and curated in our upcoming 0€-shop, home of the free download & craft coop products.

Booster Packs

Packs of a couple quest cards and Daily Cards focusing on a specific theme


Full, playable card sets with a specialized theme. For example: Primary school, High schools, Universities, family household, friends group or specific places and their services, spaces and equipment

The Score Sheets

1 player scoresheet with space for 6 matches and Daily Quests in one week + an overview in which quadrants you have gained experience through playing cards of that quadrant. Format A5 – two on 1 A4 side.
Space for Player Name, Image and additionals.

1 Highscore Board

Gameplay & Rules


When played in group sessions (classes, youth center, etc.) more game sets can be printed out – for example 4 groups with 4 players each. Groups could even compete or cooperate if they have the same quest.

Match Time:
40 minutes 4 players

30 minutes 2 players. One 5 minute quest with a 1 minute presentation each player, one 15 minute quest with 3 minutes presentation time each.
Can be extended with more rounds and weekly quests..


you need:

  • the Gameboard

  • Food products. Naturally they should be around where the game is being played. If not, get some before the game

  • 1 Card Deck =  4 staples of Quest cards sorted by Quadrant. 2 copies of each quest card

  • 1  Focus Joker for each player

  • an empty bottle or pen for spinning

  • printed focus visor sheets

  • printed player score sheet

  • printed highscore sheet

  • Smartphone, tablets, Laptops or PC´s
    connected to the Web for research

Decide who wants to play the role of the time keeper. It can be a player or moderator. As a time keeper you have to be very strict about keeping the 5 minute and 15 minute rounds + 1 minute and 3 minute presentation times.  Have your smartphone or stopwatch and a super loud sound ready when the time is up.

Decide  quickly who spins first (all players begin simultaneously anyway after all picked a card, so there is no game advantage in spinning first, just being the first spinner of the game -)

One Match consists of 2 rounds with a 5 minute quest and max. 1 minute presentation and a second round with a 15 minute quest time and  max. 3 minute presentation.

round 1
– the 5 minute Quest

  • 1

    Spin the bottle

  • 2

    Pick a card from the deck in the quadrant, where the bottle stopped.

  • 3

    When all players have spinned and picked a quest card, the timekeeper starts the countdown.
    All players now have 5 minutes to research the quest.
    The +10 can be ignored in this round.

  • 4

    When 2 players recognize, that they picked the same quest card, they can either compete, cooperate or ignore the coincidence. If cooperating you can present as a team during presentation phase.

  • 5

    All players present their findings and have 1 minute available each. After the presentations players can give other players a +1 if they think, the quest presentation has been solved or presented especially well. This is optional. If players don´t want to give +1 they can simply say nothing. If you played this quest as a coop team both players receive the same amount of points.

    If players solved the quest, note 1 point in the 5 minute Quest row + additional +1 points from the other players

round 2
– the 15 minute Quest

  • 1

    Players decide if they want to upgrade their 5m Quest card to a 15m Quest with the additional +10 tasks
    OR if they want to pick another card (now with the +10 upgrade automatically unlocked).
    OR if they want to use their Focus Joker, which can be played once per match.

  • 2

    Spin the bottle for players who did not upgrade to a 15m card, nor used their Focus Joker. Then pick another card from the quadrant the bottle stops in. Players who pick a new card could then use their Joker as an option before proceeding.

  • 3

    When all players upgraded or picked a new quest card or used the focus joker with it´s required food product, the countdown begins.  All players now have 15 minutes to research the quest.

  • 4

    When 2 players recognize, that they picked the same quest card, they can either compete, cooperate or ignore the coincidence. If cooperating you can present as a team during presentation phase.

  • 5

    All players present their findings and have 3 minutes each. After the presentations players can give other players a +1 if they think, the quest presentation has been solved or presented especially well. Simply hold a thumbs up into the middle to indicate you give a +1 to another player. This is optional. If players don´t want to give +1 they simply do not put their thumb up.

    If players solved the quest, note 3 points in the 15M Quest row + additional +1 points from the other players

All Players can now vote to play another 5+15 minute match, end the match or end the game.

  • If the game ends, the highscores are final

  • If you get together for another match some other time, the game is saved and just „on pause“- keep the highscore sheet save as well.

  • Daily Quest cards unlock, if you continue the Game another time.

When the match or game ends, each player adds all points from the last match to the score sheets.

The Daily Quest Card

  • Unlocks when players continue the game another time with more matches. Random pick. Tradable.
  • max. 2 cards
  • Each card can be played once a day
    until next group match
  • Pick 2 random daily quest cards from the Daily Quest staple face down, then read them out to the group
  • You can now trade with other players or keep your cards if you like during the TCG phase.
    ( Trade Card Game….;-)
  • Add 2 points per day and daily quest (max. 4) in your personal score sheet in the day row after successful completion.
  • When you get together as a group again, present evidence of your Daily Quests (pictures, social media posts, creations, etc.)
  • Other players can give you a +2, indicating with a „thumbs up“ if they are impressed with your daily progress after presenting your daily results.
  • before the new match, add all points from your daily quests to the current highscore sheet

Repeat playing Matches and Daily´s until the Game ends.

(it could as well take a whole month or longer ;)….

Good luck & have fun.

Crafting Additional cards, booster packs and sets…

in development


Theoretical overview and papers in the study of food systems

Theoretical overview and key findings from 18 research papers in the study of food systems

André Boeing, January 15th 2024

The concept of food systems encompasses a broad spectrum of activities and contexts, ranging from basic production and processing to advanced integration into urban planning and smart city designs.

This page provides a succinct overview of food systems across three distinct but interconnected domains: general food systems, food systems in city regions and food systems within smart eco-cities. Each section offers a summary of key findings from recent research papers, highlighting the evolving nature of food systems and their growing importance in sustainable urban development.

food systems


My proposal for a simplified 4 quadrant model of integrated  food systems in the educational context of the ktopia project resulted from the complexities and layers I found in the theoretical studies and CRFS Frameworks. Although of immense value in policy making, process design and science, complex models are challenging in communicating to a diversity of people in participatory citizen food system projects.

One, where it all grows. One, where it is being processed. One where it is being cooked and eaten and one where all the waste goes. Cultivation > Processing > Cook & Eat (consumption) > Waste. This model can be explained on one hand with the thumb touching the other fingers. It is simple enough to use in food systems education and inclusive participation from pre-school to the many diverse actors in city regions.

Taking „A conceptual model of the food and nutrition system“ from J. Sobal, L. Khan and C. Bisogni from 1998 as a foundation to illustrate the complexity.

 „Four major types of models were identified: food chains, food cycles, food webs and food contexts. The integrated model developed included three subsystems (producer, consumer, nutrition) and nine stages (production, processing, distribution, acquisition, preparation, consumption, digestion, transport, metabolism).

The integrated model considers the processes and transformations that occur within the system and relationships between the system and other systems in the biophysical and social environments. The integrated conceptual model of the food and nutrition system presents food and nutrition activities as part of a larger context and identifies linkages among the many disciplines that deal with the food and nutrition system.“
(Sobal, Khan, & Bisogni, 1998)

To further deepen the understanding of food systems and application in our city region Kassel, Germany I created this research page as a basic overview separated into 3 sections with 6 key findings from research papers.

André Boeing, January 2024, Kassel

1. Food System in the general context

  • Conceptual Framework of Food Systems

    Food and nutrition activities are part of a larger context, with subsystems including production, processing, and consumption. This integrated model considers the relationships between these activities and the biophysical and social environments (Sobal, Khan, & Bisogni, 1998)

  • Rapid Transformation in Developing Regions

    Food systems in developing regions have undergone rapid transformations, largely influenced by agricultural research and innovations. These changes have significant impacts on consumers, farmers, and the overall efficiency and sustainability of the food chain (Reardon et al., 2019).

  • Sustainability and Vulnerability

    Sustainable food systems are critical for addressing environmental, economic, and social challenges. A model that articulates the vulnerability and resilience factors to global changes can guide policy towards sustainability and improved food and nutrition security (Allen & Prosperi, 2016).

  • Environmental Impacts and Limits

    The food system is a major driver of environmental challenges, including climate change and resource depletion. A combination of measures, including dietary changes and improvements in technology, is necessary to mitigate these impacts and keep the system within planetary boundaries (Springmann et al., 2018)

  • Biomass Metabolism and Resource Efficiency

    The food system significantly influences the biogeochemical cycles of carbon, water, and nitrogen. Understanding the total turnover of biomass and resource efficiency is crucial for assessing the environmental impacts of the food system (Wirsenius, 2003).

  • Role of Agricultural Biodiversity

    Agricultural biodiversity is essential for the resilience of traditional food systems and global food security. It plays a key role in balancing diet diversity, health, and sustainable economic growth (Johns et al., 2013).

In conclusion, food systems are multifaceted and critical for global well-being, requiring integrated approaches to ensure their sustainability, efficiency, and resilience in the face of environmental and socio-economic challenges.

2. Food System in the context of city regions

Food systems within city regions, also known as City Region Food Systems (CRFS), are increasingly recognized as vital for enhancing urban food security and sustainability, especially in the face of challenges like urbanization, climate change, and socio-economic disparities. The following points provide a comprehensive overview of the current understanding and initiatives related to CRFS:

  • Smart City Planning and Urban Food Systems

    The integration of smart city planning with urban food systems can promote flexible and inclusive governance models, emphasizing technological and social innovations tailored to specific city-region contexts (Maye, 2019).

  • Integration of Urban and Rural Development

    The CRFS approach supports local governments and policymakers in making informed decisions to improve urban and regional food system sustainability, taking into account the integration of urban and rural areas. Case studies from Latin America highlight policy uptake and territorial food planning (Dubbeling et al., 2017).

  • Resilience During Pandemics:

    The resilience of city-region food systems during crises, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, is crucial. The case of the Paris-Rungis market illustrates the importance of collaborative supply chain resilience, including partnerships, digitization, and multi-stakeholder control (Thiesset & Vlachos, 2022).

  • Building Resilience to Shocks

    A CRFS approach can contribute to regional sustainability and resilience to shocks like COVID-19 and climate change. Key entry points include multistakeholder engagement, robust infrastructure support, system-centered planning, and effective policy implementation (Blay-Palmer et al., 2021)

  • Inclusive and Transformational CRFS

    A critical assessment of the CRFS approach suggests its potential in addressing complex challenges like integrated governance, territorial development, metabolic flows, and climate change, thereby contributing to sustainable food systems (Blay-Palmer et al., 2018).

  • Foodscapes in Rapidly Urbanizing Regions

    An exploration of Dar es Salaam’s foodscape reveals that staple foods are sourced from rural hinterlands through a food system that represents a working alternative to the global corporate food system (Wegerif & Wiskerke, 2017)

In conclusion, city-region food systems play a crucial role in addressing the sustainability, resilience, and equity challenges of urban food security. This requires a collaborative and integrative approach involving various stakeholders, innovative practices, and effective policy frameworks.

3. Food System in the context of smart eco cities

In the context of smart eco-cities, food systems are increasingly being integrated with advanced technologies and innovative approaches to create sustainable, efficient, and resilient urban environments. Here are some key insights from recent studies:

  • Smart City Planning and Urban Food Systems

    The integration of smart city planning with urban food systems can promote flexible and inclusive governance models, emphasizing technological and social innovations tailored to specific city-region contexts (Maye, 2019).

  • Digital Communication in Food Environments:

    Digital technologies can enable participation of all residents, including the food insecure, in co-designing sustainable and inclusive food environments. This approach, known as ‚hacking the foodscape,‘ involves engaging eaters in the co-design of local foodscapes or places related to food activities (Mann, 2020).

  • IoT for Urban Agriculture and Precision Applications:

     Internet of Things (IoT) technology is crucial for automating and providing intelligence to urban agriculture, especially in smart cities. The IoT architecture can enable efficient automation of urban farming and precision agronomy, contributing to sustainable food production within cities (Ordoñez-García et al., 2017).

  • Integrating Urban Food Systems into Smart City Policymaking:

     This study explores the integration of urban agri-food systems into smart city policies. It discusses approaches to democratizing smart city concepts with a focus on market and non-market activities, including forms of urban activism pursuing urban food systems in Australia and Germany (Dela Cruz et al., 2019).

  • Sensor Data Collection in Smart City Food Supply Chains

    IoT systems in smart cities can monitor, analyze, and manage food industries, improving efficiency and accuracy of food provenance. This approach can significantly enhance food safety and traceability in urban areas (Zhang et al., 2013).

  • Foodscapes in Rapidly Urbanizing Regions

    An exploration of Dar es Salaam’s foodscape reveals that staple foods are sourced from rural hinterlands through a food system that represents a working alternative to the global corporate food system (Wegerif & Wiskerke, 2017)

In conclusion, the integration of advanced technologies like IoT, along with participatory and innovative approaches, is central to developing resilient and sustainable food systems in the context of smart eco-cities.


4q Boardgame

food system
the board game

André Boeing January 9th, 2024

8 minute read – you can listen to this page read by the author

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Simplifying the complexity of food systems to 4 quadrants and designing an educational board game to learn about food systems.

As a beginner in the wide fields of food systems I was overwhelmed with the complexity of the different aspects and sub-systems last Monday: my first day in this new work topic as an educator or more precise in the context of food systems: a 1st year student.

I had to simplify the whole thing for myself to better locate where I want to explore the „World of Food Systems“in the huge, integrated systems of food circulation – a timeless, fundamental basis, that keeps us alive. Way back in time and into the Future.

4 quadrants, that one thumb can count on one hand touching each finger: One, where all the food grows. One, where it is being processed. One, where it is being cooked and eaten. And one, where all the waste goes:
Cultivating > Processing > Cook & Eat > Waste. A cycle.

The board and systems map

I was able to reduce the many aspects of food systems into 4 main quadrants and briefly tested if I could fit or squeeze every aspect into one of these 4 quadrants.

4 quadrants, that one thumb can count on one hand touching each finger: One, where all the food grows. One, where it is processed. One, where it is cooked and eaten. And one, where all the waste goes: Cultivating > Processing > Cook & Eat > Waste. A cycle repeating itself.

I am easy to catch with a more gameful, playful, mythic, colorful and engaging approach to a 4 quadrant model. A simple diagram chart doesn´t do that for me although it´s helpful in the later process. I need a narrative, a story, a game, a quest to get going and I know, many of the young people of many ages I work with feel the same.

So my work buddy Chatti Gippity in it´s version 4 and the painter Dall-E and I were hanging out to find a graphical style and fitting Illustrations. A Mandala and colorful, vivid, surreal hidden objects playfield. After many many prompts and even conflicts with my mates that drove me crazy, I finished the thing with classic, manual Photoshopping grateful for the helpful input of my AI work mates. On day 2 we had a finished board and map + a simplified model.

A quest card – fun tasks for the exploration of complexities

Next I had to get my self on a demo quest in one of those 4 quadrants and did a thing on Waste which is documented in this Journal entry:

Waste Land – beginning at the end

After the succesful quest I could reduce the steps into a demo quest card that we pick in the board game after an empty bottle rotating in the center of the board and stopping randomly in one of the 4 quadrants to indicate your quest type in the top left of each card.

On the way I´ve created a set of open source Photoshop PSD and AI generated grafix that can be easily shared under a Creative Commons Share alike for the creation of quest cards and printing out the board game at home,  schools and educational places. This helps to rollout possible helpful solutions for the common good very fast.

The cards have the standard size of common TCG ( Trade Card Games like Pokémon, Magic the Gathering, etc.) – so it is easy to buy some cool card sleeves for the printouts. 2.5 inches × 3.5 inches (6.3cm × 8.8cm)

A simplified 4 quadrant model for exploring food systems

Rotating clockwise from the top right quadrant. In the best case waste equals soil at 12 o’clock

  • 4 Waste

    Our food systems create a variety of waste types with different kind of recyclabilities and decomposition times.

    In Kassel we seperate or try to in hour house holds:
    Residual Waste which can´t be recycled, light plastics for re-cycling, green compost, waste paper, empty, re-usable bottles, waste glas, batteries, electronics and bulk waste.

    In the production of food products we have many more waste types from transportation, water pollution, etc.

  • 1 Cultivation

    Cultivation in Biology is the creation and maintenance of conditions that ensure the growth of certain organisms.

    Soil, Water, Seeds, Light. Agriculture, the land-based cultivation and breeding of plants (known as crops), fungi and domesticated animals. Horticulture, Permaculture, Aquaculture or Fungiculture. Large Scale Farming, community- or home gardening. To make it short: everything that creates and produces raw food ingredients.

  • 3 Cook+Eat

    This part in food system theory is usually being called „consumption“. A not so pretty word for the holy acts of cooking and eating in my opinion.

    At home, in gastronomy, delivery food, cantines, clinics, welfare places – people love to cook & eat – everywhere.

    Cooking & Food is a whole culture of so many subcultures a highly social quadrant in food systems.

  • 2 Processing

    Transforming raw agricultural products into other forms, ingredients and mixed compositions.

    Milling wheat into flour is a simple processing.
    De-hydrating xx tons of tomatoes into a pulverized form, adding different kind of natural and artificial ingredients to have a fast sauce pulver ready to use in 2 minutes in Gastronomy is a more complex way of processing.

  • 1 Cultivation

    Cultivation in Biology is the creation and maintenance of conditions that ensure the growth of certain organisms.

    Soil, Water, Seeds, Light. Agriculture, the land-based cultivation and breeding of plants (known as crops), fungi and domesticated animals. Horticulture, Permaculture, Aquaculture or Fungiculture. Large Scale Farming, community- or home gardening. To make it short: everything that creates and produces raw food ingredients.

  • 2 Processing

    Transforming raw agricultural products into other forms, ingredients and mixed compositions.

    Milling wheat into flour is a simple processing.
    De-hydrating xx tons of tomatoes into a pulverized form, adding different kind of natural and artificial ingredients to have a fast sauce pulver ready to use in 2 minutes in Gastronomy is a more complex way of processing.

  • 3 Cook+Eat

    This part in food system theory is usually being called „consumption“. A not so pretty word for the holy acts of cooking and eating in my opinion.

    At home, in gastronomy, delivery food, cantines, clinics, welfare places – people love to cook & eat – everywhere.

    Cooking & Food is a whole culture of so many subcultures a highly social quadrant in food systems.

  • 4 Waste

    Our food systems create a variety of waste types with different kind of recyclabilities and decomposition times.

    In Kassel we seperate or try to in hour house holds:
    Residual Waste which can´t be recycled, light plastics for re-cycling, green compost, waste paper, empty, re-usable bottles, waste glas, batteries, electronics and bulk waste.

    In the production of food products we have many more waste types from transportation, water pollution, etc.

One, where all the food grows.
One, where it is being processed.
One, where it is being cooked and eaten.
and One, where all the waste goes:
Cultivating > Processing > Cook & Eat > Waste
A cycle…

A simplified model to navigate the wide landscape of food systems, a narrative and mythical grafix style + a fun board game to inspire exploration are great results of the first ktopia week. Next week we will finalize the first version of the analog board game and will play a couple rounds in an alpha test @Futurespace Yay 🙂

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