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4q Boardgame

food system
the board game

André Boeing January 9th, 2024

8 minute read – you can listen to this page read by the author

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Simplifying the complexity of food systems to 4 quadrants and designing an educational board game to learn about food systems.

As a beginner in the wide fields of food systems I was overwhelmed with the complexity of the different aspects and sub-systems last Monday: my first day in this new work topic as an educator or more precise in the context of food systems: a 1st year student.

I had to simplify the whole thing for myself to better locate where I want to explore the „World of Food Systems“in the huge, integrated systems of food circulation – a timeless, fundamental basis, that keeps us alive. Way back in time and into the Future.

4 quadrants, that one thumb can count on one hand touching each finger: One, where all the food grows. One, where it is being processed. One, where it is being cooked and eaten. And one, where all the waste goes:
Cultivating > Processing > Cook & Eat > Waste. A cycle.

The board and systems map

I was able to reduce the many aspects of food systems into 4 main quadrants and briefly tested if I could fit or squeeze every aspect into one of these 4 quadrants.

4 quadrants, that one thumb can count on one hand touching each finger: One, where all the food grows. One, where it is processed. One, where it is cooked and eaten. And one, where all the waste goes: Cultivating > Processing > Cook & Eat > Waste. A cycle repeating itself.

I am easy to catch with a more gameful, playful, mythic, colorful and engaging approach to a 4 quadrant model. A simple diagram chart doesn´t do that for me although it´s helpful in the later process. I need a narrative, a story, a game, a quest to get going and I know, many of the young people of many ages I work with feel the same.

So my work buddy Chatti Gippity in it´s version 4 and the painter Dall-E and I were hanging out to find a graphical style and fitting Illustrations. A Mandala and colorful, vivid, surreal hidden objects playfield. After many many prompts and even conflicts with my mates that drove me crazy, I finished the thing with classic, manual Photoshopping grateful for the helpful input of my AI work mates. On day 2 we had a finished board and map + a simplified model.

A quest card – fun tasks for the exploration of complexities

Next I had to get my self on a demo quest in one of those 4 quadrants and did a thing on Waste which is documented in this Journal entry:

Waste Land – beginning at the end

After the succesful quest I could reduce the steps into a demo quest card that we pick in the board game after an empty bottle rotating in the center of the board and stopping randomly in one of the 4 quadrants to indicate your quest type in the top left of each card.

On the way I´ve created a set of open source Photoshop PSD and AI generated grafix that can be easily shared under a Creative Commons Share alike for the creation of quest cards and printing out the board game at home,  schools and educational places. This helps to rollout possible helpful solutions for the common good very fast.

The cards have the standard size of common TCG ( Trade Card Games like Pokémon, Magic the Gathering, etc.) – so it is easy to buy some cool card sleeves for the printouts. 2.5 inches × 3.5 inches (6.3cm × 8.8cm)

A simplified 4 quadrant model for exploring food systems

Rotating clockwise from the top right quadrant. In the best case waste equals soil at 12 o’clock

  • 4 Waste

    Our food systems create a variety of waste types with different kind of recyclabilities and decomposition times.

    In Kassel we seperate or try to in hour house holds:
    Residual Waste which can´t be recycled, light plastics for re-cycling, green compost, waste paper, empty, re-usable bottles, waste glas, batteries, electronics and bulk waste.

    In the production of food products we have many more waste types from transportation, water pollution, etc.

  • 1 Cultivation

    Cultivation in Biology is the creation and maintenance of conditions that ensure the growth of certain organisms.

    Soil, Water, Seeds, Light. Agriculture, the land-based cultivation and breeding of plants (known as crops), fungi and domesticated animals. Horticulture, Permaculture, Aquaculture or Fungiculture. Large Scale Farming, community- or home gardening. To make it short: everything that creates and produces raw food ingredients.

  • 3 Cook+Eat

    This part in food system theory is usually being called „consumption“. A not so pretty word for the holy acts of cooking and eating in my opinion.

    At home, in gastronomy, delivery food, cantines, clinics, welfare places – people love to cook & eat – everywhere.

    Cooking & Food is a whole culture of so many subcultures a highly social quadrant in food systems.

  • 2 Processing

    Transforming raw agricultural products into other forms, ingredients and mixed compositions.

    Milling wheat into flour is a simple processing.
    De-hydrating xx tons of tomatoes into a pulverized form, adding different kind of natural and artificial ingredients to have a fast sauce pulver ready to use in 2 minutes in Gastronomy is a more complex way of processing.

  • 1 Cultivation

    Cultivation in Biology is the creation and maintenance of conditions that ensure the growth of certain organisms.

    Soil, Water, Seeds, Light. Agriculture, the land-based cultivation and breeding of plants (known as crops), fungi and domesticated animals. Horticulture, Permaculture, Aquaculture or Fungiculture. Large Scale Farming, community- or home gardening. To make it short: everything that creates and produces raw food ingredients.

  • 2 Processing

    Transforming raw agricultural products into other forms, ingredients and mixed compositions.

    Milling wheat into flour is a simple processing.
    De-hydrating xx tons of tomatoes into a pulverized form, adding different kind of natural and artificial ingredients to have a fast sauce pulver ready to use in 2 minutes in Gastronomy is a more complex way of processing.

  • 3 Cook+Eat

    This part in food system theory is usually being called „consumption“. A not so pretty word for the holy acts of cooking and eating in my opinion.

    At home, in gastronomy, delivery food, cantines, clinics, welfare places – people love to cook & eat – everywhere.

    Cooking & Food is a whole culture of so many subcultures a highly social quadrant in food systems.

  • 4 Waste

    Our food systems create a variety of waste types with different kind of recyclabilities and decomposition times.

    In Kassel we seperate or try to in hour house holds:
    Residual Waste which can´t be recycled, light plastics for re-cycling, green compost, waste paper, empty, re-usable bottles, waste glas, batteries, electronics and bulk waste.

    In the production of food products we have many more waste types from transportation, water pollution, etc.

One, where all the food grows.
One, where it is being processed.
One, where it is being cooked and eaten.
and One, where all the waste goes:
Cultivating > Processing > Cook & Eat > Waste
A cycle…

A simplified model to navigate the wide landscape of food systems, a narrative and mythical grafix style + a fun board game to inspire exploration are great results of the first ktopia week. Next week we will finalize the first version of the analog board game and will play a couple rounds in an alpha test @Futurespace Yay 🙂

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Waste: Beginning with the end

waste land

beginning at the end

André Boeing – January 11th 2024

15 Minute read – You can also listen to this page as a podcast

Download MP3

Making sense from public waste datasets with AI as a partner in citizen science curiosities

As a citizen of the documenta City of Kassel, Germany and a layman non-professional when it comes to Waste Management and understanding the statistics I needed help to create a dataset from the PDF that I can then ask in a natural way along my citizen science curiosities. 

I also had to change the metrics to kg. A metric, I am more used to in my daily live when stepping on a weight scale, buying flour, potatoes or for the easy conversion to Liters for fluids, where 1 Liter equals 1 Kilogram. I now have a better feeling for the waste scope instead of using Mg/a which I cannot even speak out correctly.

some waste statistics Kassel, 2022
generated by Citizen <>AI Collaboration

Human citizen asked questions and learned how to ask better and more precise questions along the way. AI answered and explained the way it got to the answer – for humans own replication and re-calculation which of cause I haven´t done. Human used intuition and curiosity, AI used calculation and explanation of how it calculated.

  • 2.528.600.000 ( 2 Milliarden 528 Millionnen 600 Tausend) normale A4 Blätter sind vom Gewichtsvergleich her allein in Kassel als Altpapier in 2022 angefallen. Das entspricht 12.643.000 Kilogramm Papier.

  • 162,147,000 Kilogramm Müll haben wir in Kassel als Bürger:innen und Gewerbe in 2022 produziert

  • 2,702,450 mal Ich vom Gewicht her und wir haben das Müllgewicht in unserer Stadt, das wir 2022 produziert haben. Wieviel kg wiege ich ? 😉

  • some answers that came out of the dialogue and questioning in German

ChatGPT created a Python script with the data set. This Python does not bite and just uses minmal bytes to do stuff.

And then we can simply ask questions in our natural language. How much waste in kg ? without industrial waste ? Just the ones we can re-cycle, etc.

For example I asked for a circle diagram showing the different kind of waste types just for household waste.

The second code snippet plotted the tasty pie. This code stuff is optional for fiddling and only opens when clicked. We can simply continue to ask in a natural way, of cause.

# Extracting the data from the provided information to create a dataset
waste_data = {
    "Year": ["2020", "2021", "2022"],
    "Restabfall": [34630, 33331, 32426],  # in Mg/a
    "Bio_und_Gruenabfall": [22173, 24355, 20005],
    "Sperrmuell": [6729, 7529, 5766],
    "Altholz": [6221, 4667, 3889],
    "Altpapier": [14510, 13651, 12643],
    "Altglas": [4275, 4229, 4069],
    "Leichtverpackungen": [5875, 6755, 6950],
    "Sonstige_Wertstoffe": [9440, 10850, 9200],
    "Gewerbeabfaelle_beseitigt": [824, 943, 508],
    "Gewerbeabfaelle_thermisch_verwertet": [58224, 60326, 63254],
    "Sonstige_beseitigte_Abfaelle": [2729, 2368, 2286],
    "Gewerbeabfall_zur_Sortierung": [5735, 5143, 6917],
    "Gesamte_Abfaelle": [164636, 166618, 162147]  # Total waste in Mg/a


import pandas as pd

# Re-creating the DataFrame from the extracted data
waste_data_2022 = {
    "Restabfall": 32426,
    "Bio_und_Gruenabfall": 20005,
    "Sperrmuell": 5766,
    "Altholz": 3889,
    "Altpapier": 12643,
    "Altglas": 4069,
    "Leichtverpackungen": 6950,
    "Sonstige_Wertstoffe": 9200,
    "Sonstige_beseitigte_Abfaelle": 2286

waste_df_2022 = pd.DataFrame([waste_data_2022])

# Plotting the pie chart for waste types excluding commercial waste
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8))
plt.pie(waste_df_2022.iloc[0], labels=waste_df_2022.columns, autopct='%1.1f%%', startangle=140,
plt.title('Prozentuale Verteilung der Müllarten ohne Gewerbemüll in Kassel, 2022')

Checking out some real humans I could call by phone and ask my open questions in my city I surfed along these public waste management orgs and loved the wide range of services they offer + the way they communicate. Personal, human, elegant in style and natural.

Check it out – Great website & common good services

63.254.000 kg commercial waste
thermally recycled in 2022

Das Müllheizkraftwerk Kassel (MHKW)

Infos about MHKW

Personal Conclusions

Yeah 🙂 Celebrating the 20.6% organic waste used for new soil in a short period of time.  The light blue second biggest chunk in our waste pie.

Let´s talk about the Pac Man in the room. How come, we produce un-usuable, residual waste: „restmüll“. That biggest blue chunk in the statistic pie. A third of everything. 33.3% of our household waste. And only that tiny red piece with 7.2% is recyclable lightweight packaging – yellow bag – former „Gelber Sack“. What happened ?

  • Looking @ my self

    What are my biggest 2 chunks in the pie – my biggest waste  ?

    For me it´s

    1. Waste Paper Why do I use soo much paper ? Because it feels so „sustainable“, „natural“ and re-growing in endless rolls of toilet paper and sustainable food packaging ? Completely ignoring the amount of imported trees in paper production even with a high recycling rate ?
    2. Recyclable lightweight packaging. Feels light and clean from convenient zip and ready stuff. Collects well. My beloved eco work bag is made from pulverized recycled plastics. Yeah nice but shouldn´t I reduce ?

    + probably a hell load of bulky waste
    Residual Waste climbs to No 2 in my hardcore delivery Food phases at Lieferandos.

  • Looking @ my analog social networks, friends and work

    I have noticed a dominant habit of not separating waste among places I work and @ most of my friends houses. There´s a common meme that I hear which goes like this: „Waste separation ? Everything lands in the same dump anyway – so why the extra work in my busy daily life ?“

    So that´s a big question I will ask. Is that right or just a common excuse ?

Some Questions I want to ask a local expert..

  • DOES it all land in the same dump ?


  • 33.3% residual, un-usuable waste ? How come ?


  • and Where does it go ?


  • What happens with the Recyclable lightweight packaging ?


  • So much organic waste. Cool! What do we do with it ?


  • Are you up for a public Q+A where citizens can ask you questions about our waste ?


Had a friendly, informative phone chat with Mrs. Suchy, head of educational projects (Pädagogik) for the Waste Circle Kassel  (AKK). We chatted briefly about my questions and she can guide me to the right person to talk in depth + we talked about a possible group expedition in Q2 2024 exploring „The Way of Waste“ in our city region. Click me to get to the waste circle..

3 final conclusions for now

  • Did the numbers tell me something new ? The need to avoid waste where I can and separate the rest for recycling ? Of cause not. I´ve been knowing for so long and yet I do not act as much as I could. Maybe awareness, questioning and understanding the bigger picture helps me to contribute to solutions besides continuing to simply do better  ?

  • If the biggest chunk of our household waste is still un-usuable, residual waste – then do we have to amplify the citizen smart waste education in engaging different resonance groups ?

    Call to Action for ktopia agents:
    Design & Prototype fun educational modules in smart waste competence

  • Open Data, accessible and „askable“ in my natural lay language helped me to understand the bigger picture of our local wasteland as a citizen and to develop better questions in asking an open AI + real people with a vocation in that field – people I can meet and potentially collaborate with on our waste lands.

    To be continued…

André Boeing

the author & speaker

Freelancing Educator in Education for Sustainable Development, father of 2, in 2024 10th anniversary as a citizen of Kassel. Initiator of ktopia



published January 11th 2024
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